Data-driven Employee Scoring & Scenario Builder

Leverage continuous, real-time scoring with AI agents to assess potential, predict flight risks, and identify future leaders. See outcomes and impacts before making decisions.

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Why rely on biased, outdated data for talent decisions and planning?

In teams of 250-500 people, bias results in poor decisions, overlooked talent, and financial losses.
These hidden costs underscore the importance of unbiased, accurate decision-making in talent management
  • $3M

    Turnover Costs

  • $2.5

    Lost Productivity

  • $250K

    Legal Risks

Here’s how Graphio makes it work:

Graphio uses AI to remove bias in talent management, providing real-time, data-driven insights for fair decisions in promotions, layoffs, and succession planning.

Step 1: APIs

Graphio pulls only 'event-level' actions and outcomes data across various systems, meticulously combining these diverse data sources to create comprehensive insights.
Our approach ensures that we never access the content or 'body' data, upholding the highest standards of privacy and security while delivering a holistic view of employee performance and engagement.


Step 2: Compliance

You already monitor performance and delivery using CRM, HR, communication, coding, and task management tools. Graphio takes this existing data and enhances it through advanced AI analysis, ensuring better insights without "big brother" surveillance.
Our platform offers compliance features and rules that you control, allowing for a more accurate and secure assessment aligned with your company’s specific legal and regulatory requirements.


Step 3: Security

We delete all data, leaving only conclusions and metadata.


Step 4: Reference

By highlighting top performers, our AI agents learn to identify talent that aligns with your corporate culture. This introduces a positive bias, ensuring the ideal candidate for your company is accurately identified.


Step 5: Dynamics

Individual events are insignificant, but crucial for accuracy when assessed together, based on historical changes and outcomes.


Step 6: Benchmarking

By using AI agents to compare employees, we identify patterns that predict future leaders, potential burnout, and ideal role matches.


Step 7: Scoring

Summarized data from previous steps, enhanced by AI agents, reveals potential, ROI, performance, engagement, influence, and flight risk.


Step 8: “What If” scenarios

These AI-driven insights offer suggestions on promotions, optimal role matches, reorganizations, and their potential consequences.


Step 9: AI-Driven, Personalized Coaching helps managers by automating personalized messages to recognize and support their teams, based on real-time data insights.

  • combines data from multiple systems for comprehensive insights
  • automatically generates personalized, timely messages.
  • saves leadership time while allowing customization of communication.
  • boosts employee engagement and reduces turnover.

Security and Privacy

Graphio is SOC2 Type 2 compliant, ensuring top-tier data privacy and security. We only use event-level metadata, with all personal identifiers encrypted. No content data is stored, and all sensitive data is deleted post-processing

Graphio offers flexibility: use it as SaaS, on-premises, or with a hybrid option where data is hosted separately, providing full control.

graphio slack bot

GraphBot for Slack and Teams helps employees grow

Employees get a benchmark and reviews-driven bot within Teams or Slack, powered by AI agents, guiding their daily professional growth.

Our AI-enhanced bot offers continuous feedback and guidance, helping employees identify strengths, find mentors, and improve.
Boost engagement with daily AI-driven feedback.
  • 3x

    Daily feedback boosts engagement 3x more than annual feedback

  • 43%

    of highly engaged employees receive weekly feedback

  • 87%

    Highly engaged employees are 87% less likely to leave

Business Cases

  • Future Leaders icon

    Future Leaders

    Identify employees who show clear leadership promise.

  • Turnover Warnings icon

    Turnover Warnings

    Track employees at risk of leaving the company due to disengagement or dissatisfaction.

  • Collaborative Leaders icon

    Collaborative Leaders

    Identify individuals who exhibit leadership qualities through effective collaboration.

  • Rising Stars icon

    Rising Stars

    Spotlight employees with strong potential through self-development and positive team impact.

  • Unrealized Potential icon

    Unrealized Potential

    Highlight cases where skilled employees were laid off or overlooked, losing key talent.

  • Performance Slips icon

    Performance Slips

    Monitor high performers starting to show drops in productivity, quality, or engagement.

  • Sales Stars icon

    Sales Stars

    Spot successful sales contributors who excel at building relationships and closing deals.

  • Workload Imbalance icon

    Workload Imbalance

    Detect employees facing heavy workloads or work-life imbalance to prevent burnout.

  • Data Security Concerns icon

    Data Security Concerns

    Monitor employees whose activities may suggest potential security risks.

  • Sophia’s commitment to learning and development, combined with her impact on team performance and mentorship, positions her as an ideal candidate for promotion, demonstrating her readiness for a more senior role.

      • namely HR system icon
      • wrike HR system icon
      source: HR system
      Mentorship Role

      Actively mentored 6 junior employees, contributing to their professional growth and fostering a positive team culture

      • talentLMS LMS system icon
      source: LMS
      Course Completion

      Completed 12 training programs over the past year, demonstrating dedication to continuous development

      • namely HR system icon
      • wrike HR system icon
      source: HR system
      Promotion History

      Received 4 promotions over the last 3 years, reflecting recognition of her strong performance and leadership potential

      • redbooth task management system icon
      • wrike task management system icon
      source: task management
      Task Completion Rate

      Consistently completed 92% of her tasks on time, significantly above the company average of 69%, indicating strong personal performance

    Future Leaders metrics
  • Graphio identified several red flags suggesting Maria may leave soon: decreased communication, lower meeting participation, more personal days, and declining productivity.

      • outlook email system icon
      source: Email
      Communication Patterns

      Email activity decreased by 30% over the past three months, indicating reduced engagement

      • oracle HR system system icon
      source: HR system
      Personal Days

      Took 10 personal days in the last quarter, up from 2 in the previous quarter, signaling potential dissatisfaction

      • PM tools system icon
      source: PM tools
      Project Participation

      Project Involvement dropped by 40%, reflecting disengagement from collaborative work

      • calendar system icon
      source: calendar
      Meeting Participation

      Participation in team meetings dropped by 50%, suggesting lower interest in team activities

    Turnover Warnings metrics
  • Alex’s influence in meetings, success in cross-departmental projects, and positive peer recognition highlight his leadership potential. Graphio suggests grooming him for a future leadership role.

      • slack communication tools system icon
      source: communication tools
      Team Leaders Communication

      Maintained consistent communication with team leaders across the company, engaging 35% more frequently than the company average

      • google calendar system icon
      source: calendar
      Meeting Participation

      Participated in 25% more meetings than peers, demonstrating strong engagement in team coordination and decision-making

      • slack communication tools system icon
      source: communication tools
      Peer Communication Frequency

      Peer communication increased by 50% over the last three months, supporting effective team alignment

      • jira task management tools system icon
      source: task management tools
      Team Performance Improvement

      Since Alex joined the company, his team’s performance has improved by 15%, highlighting his positive impact on team outcomes

    Collaborative Leaders metrics
  • Anna’s commitment to improving her skills and increasing efficiency has significantly enhanced her individual performance and positively impacted her team. Her learning efforts have led to measurable gains in task speed, code quality, and collaboration.

      • google chat system icon
      source: communication tools
      Peer Collaboration Rate

      Increased peer-to-peer interactions by 30%, fostering stronger team collaboration

      • gitlab system icon
      source: code management tools
      Code Review Participation

      Increased participation in code reviews by 40%, contributing to code quality improvements

      • wrike PM tools system icon
      source: PM tools
      Task Completion Speed

      Increased task completion speed by 25%, contributing to faster project outcomes

      • gitlab code management tools system icon
      source: code management tools
      Merge Request Success Rate

      Improved merge request success rate by 20%, showing adherence to efficient, high-quality coding practices

    Rising Stars metrics
  • Megan was laid off during a company restructuring, but her strong skills and influence could have been leveraged in another department, leading to an avoidable loss of talent.

      • todoist task management tools system icon
      source: task management tools
      Task Completion Speed

      Completed tasks 25% faster than the company average, demonstrating superior efficiency in task execution

      • cornerstone LMS system icon
      source: LMS
      Course Completion

      Completed 8 professional development courses over the last year, highlighting dedication to continuous learning

      • slack communication system icon
      source: communication
      Peer Collaboration Rate

      Collaborated with peers 30% more frequently than the average employee, contributing significantly to team success

      • rippling HR system icon
      source: HR system
      Promotion History

      Received 3 promotions in the last 5 years, indicating consistent recognition for strong performance and leadership potentia

    Unrealized Potential metrics
  • John, once a high performer, is now showing warning signs: reduced meeting attendance, missed deadlines, slower task completion, delayed emails, and increased overtime. These suggest possible burnout or disengagement.

      • asana PM tools system icon
      source: PM tools
      Project Deadlines

      Started missing 40% of project deadlines, compared to the previous perfect record

      • gmail Email system icon
      source: Email
      Email Response Time

      Average response time to emails has increased from 1 hour to 4 hours

      • jira task
                            management tools system icon
      source: task management tools
      Task Completion Speed

      Tasks completion now takes 20% longer on average compared to previous results

      • bambooHR HR system icon
      source: HR system
      Overtime Hours

      Increased from 5 hours per week to 15 hours per week, indicating possible overwork

    Unrealized Potential metrics
  • Jessica's success in sales is largely driven by her effective communication, helping her foster excellent client relationships and leading to high deal closure rates, strong client retention, and a fast sales process.

      • zohoCRM CRM system icon
      source: CRM
      Number of Deals Closed

      Closed 40 deals in the last quarter, 30% above the company average, showcasing ability to convert leads into successful sales

      • zohoCRM CRM system icon
      source: CRM
      Deal Velocity

      Deals in Jessica’s pipeline move 21% faster than the company average, efficiently guiding prospects through the sales funnel

      • zohoCRM CRM system icon
      source: CRM
      Renewal Rate

      Achieved a 92% renewal rate with existing clients, showing strength in maintaining great customer relationships and fostering long-term business

      • outlook Email system icon
      source: Email
      Email Response Time

      Average response time to client emails is 2 hours, significantly faster than the company average of 5 hours, improving client satisfaction and engagement

    Sales Stars metrics
  • The combination of increased work hours, higher overtime, more sick days, lower task completion rates, and late-night work communication suggests Alex may be struggling with work-life balance, potentially leading to burnout if not addressed.

      • quickTime time tracking system icon
      source: time tracking systems
      Work Hours

      Averaged 60 hours per week over the last three months, up from 45 hours, indicating an increase in workload

      • trinet HR system icon
      source: HR system
      Health Indicators

      Took 5 sick days last month, a notable increase from his usual rate, possibly indicating stress-related health issues

      • gusto payroll system icon
      source: payroll apps

      Logged 20 hours of overtime each week, compared to 5 hours previously, suggesting work-life imbalance

      • notion task
                            manager tools system icon
      source: task manager tools
      Task Completion

      Task completion rate dropped by 20%, despite working more hours, reflecting a decline in productivity

    Workload Imbalance metrics
  • Samantha’s recent communication patterns and login behavior suggest potential data leakage and unauthorized data transfers, highlighted by increased email communication with unknown contacts, larger-than-usual file attachments, and suspicious login activities.

      • fastmail mail system icon
      • zohoCRM CRM system icon
      source: Email, CRM
      Unknown Contacts

      Has communicated with 200% more external emails not found in the company’s CRM

      • okta IAM system icon
      source: IAM
      Login Attempts from Multiple IPs

      15 login attempts from unfamiliar IP addresses over the last two weeks, indicating potential credential compromise

      • fastmail mail system icon
      source: Email
      Large File Attachments

      Has sent 30 emails with large attachments, up from the previous monthly average of 5

      • fastmail email system icon
      • okta IAM system icon
      source: Email, IAM
      Unusual Work Hours Activity

      Email and login activity during unusual hours has increased by 95% in the last two weeks

    Data Security Concerns metrics
Data sources list

Our Data Sources and Metrics

Graphio utilizes diverse data sources and continuous analysis with dynamic benchmarks to deliver precise insights, accurately assessing historical trends and employee performance.

Key Metrics:
  • Potential
  • Flight Risk
  • Engagement
  • Performance
  • Influence
  • Rising Star
Key Metrics:
  • Potential
  • Flight Risk
  • Engagement
  • Performance
  • Influence
  • Rising Star